participated in welcoming
and acting as Japanese-English
interpreter at the 5 th ASEAN-UEC
On Saturday, September 9, 2023, Student Development Division together with Sensei Pailin Klinkasorn, Head of the Humanities Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences leads students major in Japanese Language including
- “Arm” Worachot Panchanda, Year 3
- “Ploy” Supada Hachom, Year 3
- “Nuch” Pornwalai Ruaysawat, Year 4
- “Ked” Wichayaporn Saikaew, Year 4
- “Tian” Pornpimon Saengchat, Year 4
participated in welcoming and acting as Japanese-English interpreter at the 5 th ASEAN-UEC Workshop (Sept 10, 2023) with researchers from Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, such as Rector, Vice-Rector and Faculty Students from The University of Electro- Communication Bandung Institute of Technology, Vietnam National University, The University of Danang, Le Quy Don University, Multi Media University, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, University of Sebelas Maret, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City University of Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Thammasat University King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok King Mongkut's University of Technology Ladkrabang King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Burapha University Siam University and University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, etc.