主页 > 新闻 > > The ceremony to offer congratulations on the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana's birthday anniversary, scheduled for the year 2024, coinciding with Her Majesty's birthday celebration, is hereby announced.
The ceremony to offer congratulations on the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana's birthday anniversary, scheduled for the year 2024, coinciding with Her Majesty's birthday celebration, is hereby announced.

admin student
12 六月 2024 11:11:35

พิธีถวายพระพรชัยมงคล เนื่องในวันคล้ายวันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสุทิดา 
พัชรสุธาพิมลลักษณ พระบรมราชินี ประจำปี 2567
The ceremony to offer congratulations on the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana's birthday anniversary, scheduled for the year 2024, coinciding with Her Majesty's birthday celebration, is hereby announced.











