Suansunandha University Wins First Prize
in the competition 'Reviving and
Continuing the Mission to Conquer Breast
Cancer,' organized by the Tanya Ruk
Club, Rajabhat University, for the
academic year 2566."
competition 'Reviving and Continuing
the Mission to Conquer Breast
Cancer' organized by the Tanya Ruk
Club, Rajabhat University, for the
academic year 2566, had a total of 31
universities participating, including 38
universities nationwide. In the final
round, 14 universities competed in the
categories of 'Reviving' and
'Continuing.' The selection was
made by qualified judges in various
fields at the Auditorium of the Bangkok
Art and Culture Center. We would like to
express our sincere gratitude to
everyone involved in the Tanya Ruk Club
at Rajabhat Suansunandha University.