participated in welcoming
and acting as Japanese-English
interpreter at The 10 th UEC Seminar in
On Saturday,
September 9, 2023, Student Development
Division together with Sensei Pailin
Klinkasorn, Head of the Humanities
Department, Faculty of Humanities
and Social Sciences leads Year 3
students major in Japanese Language
- "Benz" Punyanuch Kanchanakom
- “Donut” Nitchakamon Aeksungnoen
- “Stang/Danny” Teerasit Numchan
- “Ploy” Supada Hachom
- “Aom” Supachai Bunlee
- “Arm” Worachot Panchanda
- "Remote" Wirat Rattanakarn
participated in welcoming and acting as Japanese-English interpreter at The 10 th UEC Seminar in ASEAN with senior executives from Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, such as Embassy of Japan, Bangkok, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute (TIRI), Megurokai, AUN/SEED-Net, InStep Group, National Institute of Information and Communication-ASIA Center (NICT), Academy of Cryptography Technique, Ministry of Communication and Informatics-Indonesia, etc.