Home > News > Activity News > Long live the King. SSRU unites in wishing the King a Happy Birthday
Long live the King. SSRU unites in wishing the King a Happy Birthday

admin student
09 September 2020 12:31:03

Organized by Student Development Division, Associate Professor Dr. Chutikarn Sriviboon, acting President of SSRU, leads the administrators, staff and students a merit-making ceremony to mark His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s 68th birthday. 

Starting from 7.00 am, SSRU members are in the offering food and giving alms to 9 monks. Later at 8.30 am, she also leads the participants in showing respect before a giant portrait of the King and in a vow to do good for the country 

and finally signing their names in a book extending best wishes to His Majesty. This ceremony is held at a sport ground, 4 th Fl., Health and Sport Center on Friday 24 July 2020.  









