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Pre-Test for TOEIC Course Project for undergraduate students, Faculty of Education

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30 January 2019 11:46:50

Pre-Test for TOEIC Course Project for undergraduate students, Faculty of Education


With the Thai government budget, SSRU has recognized the vital roles of English that plays in the global society. As teacher is a key element to learning success, it is a must for elevating the teacher student potential in content knowledge – that is the English competency. Hence, the university allows SDD to elevate the English language proficiency among the undergraduate students of Faculty of Education. At this point, SDD enhance the English proficiency elevating by setting up TOEIC Course Project for 2,048 students in promoting English Language learning. The project comprised with 3 phases as follow:

Phase 1: Pre-Test during January 15 – 17 and 26, 2019

Phase 2: A 30 hr-TOEIC Training Course with the qualified English tutors. 4 batches are offered through 20 weekends during January-March, 2019.

Phase 3: TOEIC Test by Center for Professional Assessment (Thailand) 


On January 15, 2019, 570 students took Pre-Test on the first day with their highly intention on this TOEIC Course Project. The program introduction and hamburger boxes were provided by SDD team, Asst. Prof. Siri-orn Champatong, Assistant to the President for Student Affairs and Mrs. Pornpris Praditpong, Director of SDD.


Reported: Ms. Saowapa Chaiyaprueksathon 

Translated: Ms. Atcharapun Daiporn

Proofed: Asst. Prof. Siri-Orn Champatong

Photo: Mr. Sittisak Kingjunmon

Public Relations, Student Development Division

102 SDD conducted the Pre-Test for TOEIC Course Project.docx

102 SDD conducted the Pre-Test for TOEIC Course Project.pdf